After all of the latest IPL controversies in regards to Pakistani players not being bid on, it has come as shocking news that Razzaq received a phone call by the IPL. The phone call aspect of things was not as disturbing as the fact that Razzaq decided to return the call and state that he would be willing to play. Personally, I have always vouched for India-Pakistan being friends and I certainly don't condone mixing politics with sports but after the insulting manner with which the Pakistani players were treated it seems wrong for one of them to accept an offer.
Shahrukh Khan (Kolkata Knight Riders Owner) stated in a press conference that Razzaq was on top of their list as possible options when it came to the auction. It makes sense for me to assume that Shahrukh Khan is behind this phone call to Razzaq because of Ganguly's insistence on needing an all rounder like Razzaq. The times ahead will certainly be interesting as slowly but surely the events will start to unfold and reveal themselves.
Here is the news excerpt on the Razzaq story...
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